Seize the opportunity. Make the right decisions.


Data driven analysis.

Clio Research analyses historical trends, data, cycles and correlations to interpret future market directions in Australia.

Anneke Thompson has been at the forefront of both producing and interpreting Australian property data for over 15 years. Using historical data to interpret future trends is the key to evidence based decision making. Anneke understands which data sets to use, how to interpret and scenario test the data, and importantly, how to derive meaning out of data.

Bespoke advisory.

Clio Research provides bespoke advisory services to clients wishing to understand the future outlook of property markets and sectors in Australia.

If you have a big question about a particular building, portfolio, market or asset class and require independent research to answer it, we offer comprehensive and customised reports. We utilise industry leading data and experience to help you make the right decision.

The ‘disruptor’ factor.

More than ever, property markets are undergoing significant market disruption as a result of Covid19.

At Clio Research, we firmly believe that the most successful organisations will be those that seize on the disruption, and position themselves as an owner, developer, investor or occupier of the future.

Our advice to clients always incorporates both historical trend analysis and an outlook with future trends in mind.

Opportunity focussed.

For owners, we focus on identifying trends, disruptors and opportunities, as well as helping them capitalise on market cycles.

Starting with the broader economic and demographic outlook, we identify how these indicators will impact property markets into the future.

For occupiers, we can help navigate the increasingly complex decisions around how much space to occupy, and what type of space to occupy. There is no ‘one size fits all’ answer to space occupancy decisions. Anneke utilises her extensive experience working with occupiers to help find a solution that meets the needs of both the business and their employees, for the long term.